The Pandemic Touched Everyone's Life
Every story matters: It is time for every individual to share their story
The pandemic had an impact on every individual
The pandemic affected every single person in one way or another. Whether it was losing a loved one, not being able to walk at graduation, having a business shuttered or being vaccine injured, each one of us has a story to tell.
I was recently invited back to Hawaii by the Aloha Freedom Coalition to share my story which I documented in Pandemic in Paradise: An Insider’s View of COVID Corruption in Hawaii.
I participated in the Freedom Hour on iHeart radio which can be heard at this link:
Key Points:
The PCR testing for SARS was fundamentally flawed. (min 17:20)
When public health professionals don’t understand techniques or testing themselves, they cannot effectively educate the public. (min 19:05)
Human connection is the best medicine, no one should have to die alone. (min 29:25)
mRNA injections are not vaccines (33:20)
Good scientists are trained to be critical. Informed consent can never be given when one half of the story is silenced. (min 34:40)
Impact on someone for telling the truth. (min 50:30)
Current Governor Dr. Josh Green promised me whistleblower protection but didn’t show up when I was discharged from my position. (min 52:33)
Let’s Talk Story
“Talk story” is a Hawaiian expression that means to chat informally or to pass time by talking with friends. It can also refer to a way of sharing information by slowing down and exploring ideas, stories, and history with others.
Aloha Freedom Coalition launched their Talk Story van at the rally held during my visit. This van will be taken to public venues and open for people to share their stories.
Everyone needs to share their story so we don’t forget the inhumane treatment that occurred during the pandemic.
It’s time to tell your story!
The sophisticated global fake pandemic psy-op touched everyone. There was no actual public health emergency pandemic. Sorry but words matter.
Talk Story Vans should be seen in ALL States but unfortunately people are still afraid of talking since we are still all threatened to lose our jobs if we are lucky to have one and not to have lost our life in the first place..
Congratulation! for your admirable courage!👏👏👏