Sep 10Liked by Jennifer Smith, PhD

I worry about pet vaccines too. When I was younger dogs seemed to live longer healthier lives. In the UK you have to have your dog vaccinated if you need to put them in kennels. This back door enforcement quite frankly sucks and is verging on fascism.

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Be sure to read my other posts about the animal "health" industry. You may be surprised to know the most profitable, largest animal health company is a spin off from Pfizer. https://smithvirologist.substack.com/p/the-vaccine-paradigm-extends-to-the?r=22ld7j

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Sadly, the age of free speech has all but disappeared. I had to jump through hoops to leave a simple comment on a post I could read freely but then could not comment on. I much preferred the world I was born into over the world I live in now. Shameful western society has fallen so far.

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The whole industry is based on unproven theories.

As billy gates has said it is the most profitable businees onthe planet.

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It's grim following that group thread in your article as the moderators enforce their echo chamber. It's extraordinary how many people are willing are to defend some consensus narrative in order to avoid the discomfort of having to weigh evidence and grapple with dissenting opinions.

Science has been replaced by a new kind of Inquisition, with many of the citizens eager to play the role of Inquisitor.

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It is tragic that normal people do not get it after years. The rest that understand the issue are as bad as Death incarnate.

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