Jun 30Liked by Jennifer Smith, PhD

I love the photo of the nurse or doc pipetting (presumably virus) into the nose of a “guinea pig.” I remember when they did that challenge trial for SC2. Insane. The “pandemic” more than anything was a worldwide shift in bioethics that is still mindboggling. Bad and unreproducible science is already a challenge but the pandemic brought it to a whole new scale. There are primate facilities in the us that literally specialize in respiratory virus challenge…why are we doing these studies in humans. I could totally hear Fauci and others justify deaths or harm in these challenge trials, yet be completely hypocritical when it comes to deaths from covid in a public health sense. That’s because when they invest $110M in a taxpayer funded vx program for a virus that is hardly around, they have to have something to justify it. Love the ESC image with facts.

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The W.H,O, keep trying to make more & more vaccines all the time. God made our bodies to heal them selves naturally. I do not like the idea of the playing around with any people in these studies. The covid shots were not an actually a vaccine, but dangerous ingredients that were not listed. Many people died from the shots, not covid itself! The hospitals were encouraged to list all deaths as actual COVID deaths instead of the real reason, THE SHOTS! I do not think the W.H.O. should be involved in our health affairs! It is all a money making business for all the drug company involved! Never again should the world be involved in this corrupt regime again! We do not want or trust this TYRANNY in our lives any longer. PERIOD

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