Jul 30Liked by Jennifer Smith, PhD

Our family dog nearly died when they pumped him full of vaccines all at once when he was young and went into respiratory distress (among probably other problems).

I don’t understand why vaccines are always given in a giant bolus.

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I don't recommend getting multiple vaccines at one time not for dogs and certainly not for babies. In fact, when I worked at a hospital lab and they wanted me to get multiple vaccines, (Hep A, Hep B, Tdap, etc) I told them I would get one at a time. They didn't like having to make multiple appointments but I told them what if I have a bad reaction, how would you know which one caused it? All these combo vaccines stress the immune system not to mention the antigens compete for the "attention" of the immune system. I guarantee that with multivalent vaccines immunity is skewed to the stronger antigen. Not to mention the immune suppression factor from giving multiple vaccines simultaneously.

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Jul 30·edited Jul 30Liked by Jennifer Smith, PhD

This is an excellent and important post. Thank you for bringing up this subject.

Please don't fault yourself. It sounds to me like you did your utmost best. These travel requirements really put pet owners between a rock and hard spot-- of course the risk of having an elderly dog lost to quarantine or euthenasia on entry is a truly terrible prospect. I probably would have done exactly the same thing that you did.

I wonder if, for these cases, some post-jab homepathy might be helpful. I have heard good things about thuja, for example. Also Schussler's cell salts.

My own dog is vaccine injured. It's a long story but in short, it's been years and years of problems and vet visits. I didn't put 2 and 2 together until after 2021. I'd always believed what I had been told about these vaccines being "safe and effective." And to stop the constant, constant, constant scratching, one of the medicines prescribed for my dog was Apoquel. Yes, it stops the constant scratching, but no, despite what 3 different vets told me, it is NOT safe. Now vets openly admit that Apoquel can promote tumor growth.

I quit vaxxing my elderly dog a couple of years ago. So now I cannot send him to a kennel when I have to travel-- where I live they all require a long list of jabs-- a minor inconvenience, well worth it. After these 2 years vax free, he's not 100% recovered from his vax injuries, but much improved. He can eat chicken and eggs again, for instance, and he doesn't constantly scratch himself either. (Huh, and that Apoquel was kerazy expensive. I don't miss that.)

May your fur angel rest in peace. It sounds like she had a really wonderful life.

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I'm so sorry to hear your dog is vaccine injured. A lot of people don't talk about this but it is a big issue. I will dive into this a bit more in upcoming blogs so stay tuned.

To be clear, I wasn't against her getting the first rabies vaccine or even the second one but it was completely unnecessary for her to receive yet another vaccine given her age.

I had her on transfer factor as well for immune system support as well as probiotics. I am not sure if it made a difference given the advanced stage of her condition. She was on Apoquel as well. All of these things are approved with little to no testing. Again, I will share more about this in coming posts.

Again, all these vaccines should be based on risk v. benefit. I don't think these prissy, couch potato pups really are at any risk for most of the illnesses they are to vaccinated against. The way pets have been integrated as a part of the family has changed over time so it is time to revisit the vaccinations for pets.

I never boarded my two babies. I would get someone to stay overnight at our home with them when we were away. Then they get to stay in their own environment and maintain their schedule. This alleviates some of the stress of having their pack members gone. Just a thought for future travels.

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Thank you for your reply, and I really look forward to your posts on this issue.

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Aug 4Liked by Jennifer Smith, PhD

Thank you for your post. As an RN for 45 years and taking care of covid patients in 2020, I am more educated on vaccines now and am against vaccines for people and animals. They are lethal. I had an 11 yo Bichon rescue who was very healthy. Up to that point, she had not had any vaccines while I owned her. She needed to see the vet for an eye issue but they refused to treat her unless I got the state mandated rabies shot. I agonized over giving that to her because I know they give the same dose of rabies to a chihuahua as a St. Bernard but she got it in order to treat her eye issue. That was in May. One month later she was losing weight, incontinent, fur was thinning and just looked sickly. Her blood work in July showed diabetes, elevated liver and pancreatic enzymes,hypothyroid, and anemia. Her urine showed she was in ketoacidosis. The only option was to put her down. Her sister is still very healthy ( I did not get a rabies vaccine for her). My previous Bichon lived to 17 without any vaccines. I fortunately have a dog sitter who agrees with the no vaccines for pets (or humans). You will never convince me that vaccines are good for dogs.

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I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your fur baby. I appreciate you sharing this story. I think more people need to talk about this and start pushing back. I wonder what was their rationale for requiring a rabies vaccine for an eye issue. I will be writing next about the rabies vaccine. It is the most reactive vaccine for dogs meaning it causes the most adverse events.

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My dog was over due for this vaccine. It is mandated in the state of Washington. They said they could not treat her in the future if she was not up to date on her rabies vaccine. I was sick about aquiescing to them.

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it is just sickening. I totally understand the feeling of being strong armed into this as I was with my fur baby. Was she at risk of getting rabies from the treatment? These people can't think for themselves. It doesn't make any sense. Do they know canine rabies has been eradicated? The U.S. has canine rabies free since 2004.

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Aug 4Liked by Jennifer Smith, PhD

My dog was not at risk for getting rabies.She was not ever kenneled or taken to dog parks, She was an at home dog most of the time. As an ER nurse, I am aware that canine rabies in the US is so very rare. I had people coming into the ER demanding the rabies shot because they were in the same room (not bitten) as a bat, convinced they would die without it. This is the propaganda infiltrating our space.

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Jul 30Liked by Jennifer Smith, PhD

Of the last 4 dogs my family has had only one has had constant allergy and gi issues…the vaccinated one. And multiple vets did NOTHING to improve her issues. Then I began making our own dog food and she is almost as normal as our other dogs now. I admit we had more awareness as our youngest child (18) has never had one vaccine.

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I'm so glad to hear your dog is doing better now. Sounds like you are a good pet parent. The allergy game for pets is a huge money maker as well. I will be writing more about this as well. My little girl also had allergies and was put on Apoquel. It's about $90/30 pills. I also took her off the canned kidney diet and switched to a homemade dog food which had vitamins and calcium added. She was like a different dog. I will never feed my dogs canned dog food again. The chemicals from the canning process are so dangerous not to mention the leaching of all the nutrients from it when it is cooked and sealed at high temperatures.

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Jul 30Liked by Jennifer Smith, PhD

The Malthusian Establishment wants to kill, disable, and force both us and our dogs to be their cash cows.

Vitamin C and thermotherapy, which induces interferon, sound far more promising than Pasteur treatment. Should I ever suffer a bite from a rabid animal, I'll wash the wound thoroughly, take vitamin C, and artificially induce fever.


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I had her on transfer factor to provide immune system support which contained Vit C and a host other nutraceuticals. I don't know if it was making any difference at the point she was at but it certainly couldn't hurt her. https://venjenz.com/

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Jul 30Liked by Jennifer Smith, PhD

I care for about 20 feral cats, and I have been wondering what my vaccinations strategy should be. I tried to do a little research, and realized there are a lot of considerations. Some of the diseases are only dangerous for cats of certain ages. Some diseases are rare. Some vaccines have a significant risk of causing a rapid sarcoma and should be injected in a limb to allow amputation. The vaccine schedules used by the vets seem to ignore all these things. It would be nice if some group of veterinarians could create guidance for vaccinating cats with different lifestyles, ages, etc.

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Agree. A big issue is most vets now work for corporate owned clinics who are only concerned about the bottom line. It would take independent veterinarians to come together and push for change. The other issue is some of these vets have a financial interest in these so called "animal health" companies. As with human vaccine proponents, we have to uncouple the money from the issue of health. Until then we must educate ourselves and be the best advocate for our pets that we can be.

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I had a client (who was a PACU Nurse) that told me she thought the shot schedule for her dog was overkill…I then replied “Wait til you see what they give to your infant”. 😢

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I don’t want give my dogs vaccinations either but it does seem they need heartworm treatment. Or do they? Would love anyone’s input on this. In order to get the heartworm medication they require the vaccines. How do we get around this?

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