Drs. Tom Cowan and Mark Bailey responded with their own video:


My own comments (and yes they are mine own, based on my own investigation into the pseudoscience):

A very thorough demonstration of logical fallacies at work, i.e. reification, appeal to authority, bandwagon, circular reasoning. These woman either want you confused/misled, or they somehow fail to grasp the need for valid independent and dependent variables in hypothesis testing, and that finding sequences and/or proteins doesn't tell you that they are "viral" in origin. They seem to think that condescendingly repeating the words "virus" and "viral" enough times is going to convince people. Unreal. This is on par with declaring that Santa and elves exist and were "isolated" based on men in red outfits at the mall, presents under Christmas trees and cookies crumbs on kitchen tables.

Truly astounding to hear them imply that intact so-called "viral genomes" have been found, and especially to hear them claim that "viruses" can be "isolated" directly from "hosts" when literally every single one of 222 institutions that were challenged to cite evidence of such for "SARS-COV-2" failed, and all challenges re other imaginary "viruses" also failed:


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So do you believe the entire field of immunology is also fake? How do you account for virus specific antibodies? What you are doing is quite dangerous, insinuating that microorganisms do not exist. Have you not ever been sick once in your entire life?

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Why are you trying to put words in my mouth instead of responding to what I actually wrote? I've never said that microorganisms don't exist. And lol, declaring antibodies are "virus specific" is not valid evidence that "viruses" exist or that antibodies are specific. It's almost as if you didn't even read my comment re your logical fallacies. You first need to show that a "virus" exists, which you haven't even come close to doing.

People getting sick is not the issue, the issue is the alleged cause. I'm not sure how you could possibly be serious with these irrelevant questions.

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My colleagues and I have dealt with many people like you who do not believe viruses exist. I don't think there is anything I can so to you to change your position. I can tell you all about how I have sucrose gradient purified viruses by ultracentrifugation and viewed virus particles by electron microscopy. I can tell you I have colleagues who are working with SARS viruses in animal models. Nothing will convince you. So you tell me as an expert in whatever you think you are an expert in, how would you like a virologist to show you that viruses exist?

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Hi Jennifer, I suggest you review the video response from Drs Bailey and Cowan, or read the first page of the Settling the Virus Debate Challenge (of which I'm a signatory) if you still don't know what is required to scientifically show the existence of a "virus". Scientific evidence requires application of the scientific method, and we've yet to find any for any alleged "virus":


Simply having EM images of (allegedly) purified particles isn't enough to demonstrate a "virus". You'd also need rigorous valid controlled experiments (where the purified particles are the IV) to show disease causation and replication-competence, and valid experiments showing contagion.

And rigorous controls need to be implemented every step of the way during "sequencing" and characterization. We've seen how "sequencing" works in virology - meaningless "genomes" are made up in silico and never found intact.

Having said that, I'm skeptical that you'd be even be able to show the first step - alleged "virus" particles that were purified from "hosts", since the CDC and Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto already confessed in official communications that this is never done in virology and it's clear from the literature that it isn't done, and we have literally hundreds of failed freedom of information responses on the topic.

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As someone who holds only a MSc in Geology, I would not expect you to understand the field of virology. I am well aware of those people and their supposed arguments. Who are they that anyone has to prove anything to them or you?! I am not going to waste my time on this ridiculous argument. I spent many years studying viruses and many more working with them in a laboratory and in animal models. If they or anyone else wants to know how it is done, then go spend the time and learn for yourself. I am well aware of the scientific rigor that is required to perform experiments in an ethical manner and the use of proper controls. Your argument is baseless. Keep in mind that clinical virology and scientific research are different practices. What do you think made millions of people sick? Best of luck to you.

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So you're not going to cite any evidence of alleged "virus" particles being purified from "hosts", because it would be a "waste of time"? That's strange, especially for someone who went out of their way to do an entire video to convince people that virology is legit.

No idea where you get the idea that I have a MSc in geology, but it's irrelevant anyways. There is nothing complicated about logic and the scientific method and both are missing the methodologies employed by virologists. The methods aren't hidden and they've been discussed at great lengths. You don't even have a valid independent variable to work with, so no scientific investigation is possible.

I'll be publishing our conversation and am quite happy to give you another chance to cite some evidence.

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"I can tell you I have colleagues who are working with SARS viruses in animal models."

Can you cite any papers on this?

Again sorry to harp on this but you really do need to figure out how to discuss these matters coherently. Any logician would toss you out of the room if this were your presented evidence and line of reasoning.

BTW the days of the "experts" are over as you must know. People are thankfully avoiding and scorning "experts" left and right.

All the best.

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Calling it fake hardly covers it. Have you studied the history of disease?

There are no such things as "virus specific antibodies."

Conflating any of this with the negation of microorganisms is a logical fallacy. Certainly you understand the basics manner of logic and reasoning?

Conflating any of that with the question of an individual being ill is yet another logical fallacy.

I swear to god I can't believe the extremely low levels of understanding of basic logical constructs in supposedly "educated" people as they struggle to string together coherent ideas and concepts in an attempt to defend their positions.

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"So do you believe the entire field of immunology is also fake?"

I think everyone acknowledges that this field of highly paid professionals exists (ergo, not "fake"). However, some have come to challenge what their training has taught them about how the human body functions. Since the "immune system" is a hypothetical construct built on the back of a demonstrably failed hypothesis, it is beginning to look like this field is just churning out technical data that skipped over provenance issues that would be the foundation of their work- and are subsequently just fiddling with lab toys that follow inventive reasoning & forgone conclusions (i.e. assumptions) far far down the stream. The only logical conclusion would be that things like independent variables and the scientific method are/were not important to them and that they were given limited framework to operate within. I wonder, do 'immunologists' ever challenge their field? You could say they have a major problem, are compartmentalized, and there are a lot of them. Let us not apply the bandwagon fallacy. A lot of people doing things the same wrong way doesn't make it true, or make them "experts".

"How do you account for virus specific antibodies?"

Nobody needs to account for an "antibody" if there is no body to be "anti" with in the beginning. We are dealing with another hypothetical construct here. Stay on course. Find the independent variable in nature first...then you could test to see if other particles or protein globulins that may or may not appear have anything to do with "it". We don't want to begin with assumptions and reification fallacies. It could be that your field training manual has taught you to work backwards (see above). You should start at the beginning.

"What you are doing is quite dangerous, insinuating that microorganisms do not exist."

It would be, and has been far more dangerous to claim a specific microorganism- that can allegedly do all sorts of super powerful bad stuff- has been found in nature and characterized without following the scientific method to do so. I think you appropriately called it a "tool". Let us see the hammer separated from everything else in the tool box. Nobody can 'prove' that unicorns don't exist. However, if someone was to claim they were killing millions of people, we'd sure want to see if/how they were found in nature. Is that dangerous?

"Have you not ever been sick once in your entire life?"

That's about as relevant as me asking if you've ever had a banana. Are you under the impression that there is only one single cause of every symptom of disease? That's what your question implies and it's extremely troubling for many reasons.

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What are your definitions of “pseudoscience “ and “science “ .. I’m interested as I’m a cognitive neuroscientist and I was really despairing of dogmatised versions of the area I not only work in but live my life by. There are effects that have causes that may be interpreted in many different ways. That to me is the beauty of science.

I’m also curious why you seem to be attacking Dr Jennifer Smith. Are you opposed to covid being a virus or that viruses as a microorganism actually exsist? I in no way am a supporter in anything that occurred during that heinous period of time and have expressed my concern in many ways but I’m

always concerned when people turn on each other as we should be connecting and respecting others who have also been attacked by the system.

Viruses are vectors that can do many different things good, bad and ugly - would describing them this way be better?

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Responding on behalf of Christine Massey, who's blocked from responding here.


I cannot respond to you directly, because Jennifer has blocked me, so I've asked someone to post this response to you.

By definition, pseudoscience is anything passed off as "science" that does not adhere to the scientific method. Surely you're already familiar with the scientific method since you describe yourself as a scientist, but in case not here is a detailed article on the topic:

ViroLIEgy 101: The Scientific Method


The scientific method is not a process of "interpreting effects in many different ways".

I don't know where you get the idea that I've "attacked" Jennifer. It concerns me that you frame critical comments as an "attack" and insinuate that there is something wrong with pointing out logical fallacies and false claims.

"Covid" stands for "coronavirus disease", the purported effect (that requires zero symptoms and is diagnosed with fraudulent useless tests) of the alleged cause ("coronavirus"). Even if "viruses" were real, "covid" could not be a "virus". You're conflating an alleged effect with an alleged cause.

"SARS-COV-2" and other alleged "viruses" have never been shown to exist as claimed, meaning that the particles that are pointed at in EM images have never been shown to have the purported "genomes" or proteins (let alone cause any illness).

You have made a claim about "viruses" that is backed by zero valid scientific evidence. If I'm wrong, please cite the evidence posthaste.

No, it is not better to make up new stories about particles that were never shown to exist let alone "do many different things".

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Oh my … I’m going to leave anger to you guys. This kind of debate isn’t respectful nor useful.

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"Covid" was not a medical event it was a long planned geopoltical event- akin to the phony "War on Terror."

If you are stuck thinking that the events of these past four years was some epidemiological event caused by some alleged submicroscopic particle floating through the air you will never comprehend what happened and what is happening. Among other things perpetuating such fallacies conceals the deadly protocols established in the hospitals and nursing homes as well as provides cover for those who designed and executed this operation.

Reifying that LIE is what is truly dangerous.

Operation COVID is all part of a meticulous criminal plan to create the greatest mass illusion, the greatest plundering of taxpayer funds, the greatest social destruction, the greatest restrictions of freedom, the greatest mass medical homicide, censoring etc etc in the history of the world.

The evidence clearly indicates a harsh and uncomfortable reality – there was no pandemic.

The Covid Operation was set in motion in the summer of 2019 and launched in March 2020 in order to change the entire financial and social order of The West due to a confluence of existential crises that were facing the ruling class parasites which could no longer be kicked down the road.

The introduction of the Covid-19 “emergency” was the circuit breaker and the rationale used to freeze the US banking system and provide the opportunity to inject massive amounts of cash into the system that went to large financial investment and banking firms- aka bailouts. Same was done in the EU.

We have not been and are not facing what RFK Jr. has termed “a mismanaged pandemic,” a stance supported by most “health freedom” celebrities. What we are dealing with is fraud, tyranny and mass murder.

Terrorizing and isolating elderly people especially those living in care homes, denying them visits from relatives and reducing or eliminating in-person visits from health and social carers became “standard of care.”

Mechanical ventilators push oxygen into patients whose lungs are failing. Using these machines involves sedating a patient and sticking a tube into the throat. It was massive overuse of a treatment (ventilation) known to be extremely harmful.

Large doses of Midazolam, Propofol. Fentanyl and Morphine cocktails were given to people in hospitals to create the illusion of the first wave of the hoax pandemic. They didn’t have the bodies in 2009- they got them this time not to mention data fraud.

There was no pandemic ever- there is no “lab leak”- there is no “unique viral pathogen”- there is no “China Virus”- there is no “bioweapon”- There is no “There” there.

It was an epidemic of violent government and medical assault against people, of false attribution of death, and of intense propaganda using fraudulent tests and bogus studies.

Covid-19, the disease, is nothing more than a disease of FALSE ATTRIBUTION.

Covid-19, the media event, was the Trojan Horse constructed to usher in a complete transformation of our society- an endeavor of complete social control.

Covid-19, the operation, was never an epidemiological event, it is a business model meant to increase the portfolios of the super-wealthy.

There is no such thing as “Covid 19” except as a criminal conspiracy.

The official narrative of “Covid” is fictional- all facets of it.

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Jeff, this is a fantastic comment and I have saved it and may use it as your quote some day. The only thing is that many people in certain places in 2020 did get sick and die, and while that wasn’t explained by the official virus nor the relabeling narrative itself, there is evidence that some batches of swabs up the nose, batches of masks, hospital protocols, and 5G (2 large studies) seemed to be related. So only your last statement about all of the official narrative of all-factets of “Covid” being fictional is not completely true, there were deceptive machinations that actually harmed people, and persons being harmed as part of the official narrative was true to a degree. If we don’t explain that to the uninitiated, they will say, “but people did get sick and died”, and not get it fully. Yours truly, PM

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People got sick and died. There were no excess deaths worldwide, Excess deaths were limited to certain nations, certain regions within nations, and pretty much to health care facilities in those nations, happening to people with an average of 4 comorbidity factors. They didn't die because of a unique new disease called COVID-19, caused by a unique new virus, but because of health care practices often intending to kill them. There is LOTS of work that's been done about this, including new from Denis Rancourt.


Spatiotemporal variation of excess all-cause mortality in the world (125 countries) during the Covid period 2020-2023 regarding socio economic factors and public-health and medical interventions, Correlation, 7/19/24.

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The comments do not seem angry to me, Jeff’s comment below is one of the most logical and polite comments one can find on these posts.

Here I have make an exhaustive compilation of why viruses have never been found and are being used as fraud to control the world.


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Hello Jennifer Smith.

I have a question about your presentation.

In your presentation you show around 17:45 three EM pictures of "pox family" representatives.

You then say "you see a distinct, electron-dense hourglass shape in the middle, that is the portion that contains the genomic material and the capsid."

I want more information on that.

1 Clinically, is this distinctive shape used to determine what type of viral infection an animal or a human has?

2 Is that hourglass shape present in vivo, or is it an artifact of the methods for preparing the slide?

3 What does 'electron-dense' mean in this context?

4 The classification of these viruses as being of the same "family" was done before seeing their distinctive shape through EM or after they were seen through electron microscopy?

5 What is the size of those canarypox viruses and smallpox and MVA compared to an animal cell that they are targeting?

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I believe my colleague addressed that portion of the presentation. I am not a microscopist so am unable to address your questions. Microscopy is a whole separate field of expertise and core facilities are built with people who are knowledgeable and spend their time doing nothing but microscopy. These images came from one such facility. One of my PhD advisors was the head of the microscopy core however he recently passed away otherwise I would refer your questions to him.

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I apologize for mixing up you and your colleague.

I also express my condolences for the loss of your teacher.

I've been thinking for a while that a huge problem of all science today is the excessive segmentation between the fields. Everyone thinks the other expert knows. It looks like a trick.

Outsiders like myself take a bird's eye view and see there are many discrepancies. For us it seems like science is a giant political fraud.

But I like to question the appearance of things.

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Humanity United Now - Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD

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