Federal Death Administration. Now they are killing our pets... Anything to tout the removal of life from this planet! If you even think this three letter organization is acting in your best interest, just realize they are acting in THEIR best interest....
It is very interesting. I have received more 'likes' on this one comment than an other comment I have made on Substack. It just goes to show how compassionate we feel about our animals. This compassion is the most important element for us to move forward in these crazy times of outright evil. I feel more sensitivity to the loyalty of my animals than I do to the behavior of most people. I think many of you share the same thoughts as me. I have had 5 animals (dogs and a cat) that have passed in my existence. The grief I feel when that happens is more intense than the loss of most humans that I have known. That tells me that there is special place for our animals in this world......
I feel exactly this. God gave us dominion over the animals and it is our responsibility to care for them. I started writing about animal health because it is something that almost all people can relate to, it is a way to connect to people. We have all loved a pet or still have pets and can relate. Please read my previous post regarding the animal health industry. We need to spread awareness. https://smithvirologist.substack.com/p/the-vaccine-paradigm-extends-to-the?r=22ld7j
In addition.... I am a senior in my 70's. I have had good parents in my life and I am looking forward to see them when I pass from this existence, however when I do pass, I really want to see my dogs and cat, FIRST!!!
Dolores Cannon accidentally became a past life regressionist and wrote about a half dozen books. I've read all of them. According to her, in the afterlife we DO see our pets who have passed ahead of us.
If you sn arthritic pet, treat first with DMSO. See A Midwestern Doctor's The Forgotten Side of Medicine on Substack. Particularly his many articles on DMSO. And it works on far more than stiff joints...
How would you test for allergy??? It’s got a high allergy potential in humans. I’d suspect same is true with dogs. In humans you do a patch test. Any idea on how to do that with animal or if allergic potential is similar?
Only a very small percentage of people or animals are sensitive to DMSO. Apply a small amount to skin and see if there is a reaction. You should read AMD's posts for more details.
I had our five year old Rottweiler get the 3-year rabies booster this past June as it is required by law in MI. He’s very friendly (too friendly) but being a bully breed, I felt that I probably should, against my better judgement. He hasn’t had any other vaccines in 4 years aside from rabies. He seemed to develop a tic of repeatedly licking the air for three weeks afterward. He then developed two hot spots after that, when he’s never had them before. Coincidence? Perhaps. But we’ve decided no more vaccines for him. We’ll just run the risk (he has never, ever bitten anyone or is aggressive in any way). We started making him his dog food a year ago too-crazy how much better he looks and seems to feel.
Canine rabies has been eradicated so there should be no concern for him biting someone other than the obvious issue of aggression. The issue really is protecting him from coming into contact with a wild animal, such as a racoon, skunk, coyote or bat, that could be harboring the virus but if he has had rabies vaccine any time in his life he should be protected as immunity should last at least 7 years and could last up to 10 years. It's really sad that it's not about immunity but more about money.
Hi Lynda, we have a new puppy, and want to go as holistic as possible. Do you have any links re: colloidal silver that I can then share with my husband? Admittedly I’m a bit more about the holistic path than he, but he’s open to info. Thanks in advance!
I was turned on to sovereign silver colloidal silver. Top seller. The Vitamin Shoppe or Fred Meyer. I put tablespoon on dogs food. I put dropper under my tongue. One of my puppies had bald spots all over and belly rash all healed up. Email for Pic of cs. lyndapdx@hotmail.com
Some people are talking about using homeopathic nosodes instead of vaccinations for pets . I can say that after I stopped all vaccinations at 1 yr of age , those dogs lived over 10 years , some were almost 14 , which is great for a German Shepherd . I guess you would have to contact a holistic vet and/or do your own research if interested . Many vaxes are not as effective as they would have you believe and are associated with autoimmune diseases .
The rabies vaccine is what set our dog up for mini-strokes. The vaccine is not legally required in Idaho and our dog was 15 years old. If she tried as hard as she could she'd be very lucky to break skin. But when we wanted to skip the vaccine, we got the full terror and guilt routine from the vet, who told us they wouldn't treat her for anything without the vaccine. Who needs these clowns for anything other than trauma (and then only because they've been given a monopoly)?
This is the first I've heard of this. Our beloved 14 1/2 year dog started Librela in maybe November or December of 2023. It was reasonably inexpensive, and the vet recommended it to ease arthritic discomfort. She began having seizures in late January of this year, and we had to have her put to sleep within a few days. She lived a very happy, long life, and I figured it was simply her time. I'm sickened to think we may have sped that process up.
See my post.. hope it helps. We all must accept that our pets will be gone before us, god willing. Librella is not inexpensive ( for most, $95.00 plus per shot per month is costly) and it does cause seizures which is well documented. Without a doubt you thought you were doing your best for your pup, so do not be so hard on yourself. Going forward Question everything.
We were willing to do whatever we needed to do to keep her comfortable in her advanced years, and both my vet and brother (vet in a nearby state) recommended it without hesitation. I should have asked more questions about side effects. You're right, question everything.
It's not your fault that information about DMSO has been suppressed for six decades. Blame the FDA and the medical schools. Anything that threatens the profitability of medicine will always be attacked and buried.
Holy Sht! I've had my 100 lb hound on this for 5 months. I thought it was a wonder drug. No adverse reactions that i can tell. But I am done with this. Lordy. I feel terrible.
Librela showed no significant difference as compared to placebo at the 28-day primary effectiveness study endpoint in the US field study. stay tuned for my upcoming post that shows all this using FDA and the company data.
100% Its just the same. Mabey we can wake people up with their pets - they don't seem to care about their children. How many vaccines do we need to lead a healthy life - NONE!
I chose to write about animal health as a way to connect to people. Most people can relate to having loved a pet or still have pets that they cherish. We must be gatekeepers for these precious animals. Please read my previous post regarding the animal health industry and stay tuned for more on the topic of Librela. https://smithvirologist.substack.com/p/the-vaccine-paradigm-extends-to-the?r=22ld7j
OMG- It is with a very sad heart, but am so glad to see this truth is gaining traction. Our dear woody had his first injection in Jan 12, 2024. Within 24 hours he had to be put to sleep. His reaction was horrible- became completely disoriented, lost all use of his back half, listless, stopped eating and drinking. I knew then this injection was poison!!!
I am so sorry for your loss. It is utterly heartbreaking. Please feel free to share so we can spread awareness. Also, stay tuned for my upcoming post sharing the data from FDA and the company on how they knew this was ineffective.
I have had dogs and cats all my life. When I quit taking them to the Veterinarian (annually), my dogs and cats started to live much longer and healthier lives. 16, 17, 18, years. Our cat who had never been the vet recently passed. He was 21 years old. Annual "boosters'' are a scam. The Vet is a scam. So is the M.D.
Not just Librela, all of the flea and tick pesticides are killing and harming so many dogs! Bravecto, Credilio, Nexguard, Interceptor, Advantage, and Simpirica. More than 20,000 deaths have been reported as of January 2024.
Ahhh, Librella ! Our pup (12 years old) had two vestibular episodes in the fall of 2023 i& in late spring of 2024. At the time they were spraying for West Nile in and around our communities… and felt there was a connection, ;loss of strength in her back legs and terrible shaking and tremors. DVM suggested Librella, told them I would think about it. Went home and did some research and it was a hard NO! It had just recently been approved in the US, and there were already news coming out about peoples dogs dying. Believe there was one covering this in the WSJ.
In any case as the DVM recommended that acupuncture & red light therapy “might help” but not as good as Librella mind you ! I purchased a hand held cold red light lazer from HelioPet and upped her turmeric in each meal. With great results! PS I use the hand held on my own knee!
Not plugging any product here but there are great options out there. Our pup lets us know when she needs a “spa treatment” with the cold red light… as it is getting colder she is starting to ask for a session.
In a closing note a friend of mine who took on the most adorable Corgi when the owner passed was pressed into giving the pup monthly injections of Librella, during the same time as our pup. The DMV said Corgies, due to their short leg;s suffer for this disorder… poor thing was dead in 4 months and suffered greatly during that time. Have had low riders my whole lie and they lived to be 15, 16 & 19/.
Thanks for your exposure… the Librella story got buried pretty quickly.
I understand and support the reporting of the adverse events these drugs are producing in our beloved animals. But make no mistake, Zoetis nor the FDA care anything about helping animals to better health. Their bottom line is their pocketbook and how much they can stuff in it. Treating your pets holistically is the best way to help them to optimal health.
Our cat has been reacting strangely to solencia - for a couple of days after the injection, he meows quite a bit. When you look for him to see what's wrong, he's just staring into space.
I'm sorry to hear that. Solensia is the cat version of this mAb so everything applies. Unfortunately, from reports I'm reading this is also common after the injection. I really hope your cat recovers. Please look into alternative treatments and no more Solensia injections.
Yes thank you - I cancelled his next appointment and have reverted to metacam. I mentioned the class action to the vet receptionist, and she said that they were aware of it. Didn't stop them using our pet as a guinea pig though, which is the impression I was getting from the start of his treatment a few months ago, when I found that they insisted that each injection had to include a vet exam. I wondered why and looked up solencia, only to discover that it was brand spanking new and appeared to be undergoing clinical trial by Release to the general public.
I've stopped the solencia, but our cat is now covered in skin lessons - some raised/crusty, some bald/bleeding. I sent your letter to our vet practice and they said they were sending it to their vet director as well and offered me a review of Ninja's rashes. I took him in yesterday and vet confirmed that the rashes presented as a drug reaction, but that cause was inconclusive and could be multifactorial. She denied knowledge of seeing much in the way of side effects in practice, even though she'd just come over from the UK where I gather solencia has been on the market for longer.
So glad to hear you stopped getting your cat this treatment. I'm sorry to hear that your cat is suffering. It is so hard to see our sweet animals suffer. I hope that they can find a better, safer treatment. I would love to hear of any follow up from the vet practice and vet director on the information in the letter. Please keep me updated.
Read the side effects, black box warnings!! Beware pharmaceuticals whether for human or animals especially if the FDA labels them "safe and effective"....then RUN!!
My 25 lb Siberian got really bad ataxia after 2 doses of Solensia-so I stopped having him injected, & started to use Yucca extract. I began to put a liquid pet version of Milk Thistle, a great liver cleanser, into his food, after the ataxia began.
But it took him about a month to get back to normal, after the Solensia. Very toxic stuff
Get away as fast as you can please! Try to detox her liver for starters ,join this group https://www.facebook.com/groups/235489239569004 You will learn a lot and be guided to save whatever can be saved ... Deeply sorry for your kitty .I hope to the best outcome !!
Thank you for posting this, we really appreciate it. Every article helps us with spreading the awareness of these drugs. Feel free to cover Frunevetmab (Solensia) as well. You’ll find lots of stories on our Fb group “Solensia Killed my Cat… Solensia - Class Action”, as well as other info (ans UK class action) on www.lfpcsa.co.uk
Thanks for your comment. I will look into a writeup of Solensia but most of what is here is going to be the same. So much to write about these days. I am planning a follow up on the data from FDA and the company on Librela. I will see if I can find similar for the cat trials.
I am looking at the lfpcsa website. It notes: "As Zoetis' CEO admitted during one of the interviews, Solensia had been tested for 3 months only, ergo the consequences of its long-term usage are officially unknown." do you have a link to this interview?
LOL I guess Pets are useless eaters also.. Here is a simple system to follow.. When the FDA approves something, its bad for you.. When they ban something, its good for you..
Ernie, you are exactly right.. They remove some items to make like they are actually doing their job, so it gives them cover to not do their job.. Yeah I caught that to.. A lot of times its minute stuff that really does not matter widespread, but like you say they do it to give them cover... They also ban stuff that may counteract the poison also.. As a side note, they are attacking chickens because EGGS counteract their poison.. So a lot of things they ban and say they are bad are actually things that they know are good against their poisons.. So you really have to dig and never ever take their word for anything..
Federal Death Administration. Now they are killing our pets... Anything to tout the removal of life from this planet! If you even think this three letter organization is acting in your best interest, just realize they are acting in THEIR best interest....
GOD is the only 3 letters you can trust.
Very cute True!
It is very interesting. I have received more 'likes' on this one comment than an other comment I have made on Substack. It just goes to show how compassionate we feel about our animals. This compassion is the most important element for us to move forward in these crazy times of outright evil. I feel more sensitivity to the loyalty of my animals than I do to the behavior of most people. I think many of you share the same thoughts as me. I have had 5 animals (dogs and a cat) that have passed in my existence. The grief I feel when that happens is more intense than the loss of most humans that I have known. That tells me that there is special place for our animals in this world......
I feel exactly this. God gave us dominion over the animals and it is our responsibility to care for them. I started writing about animal health because it is something that almost all people can relate to, it is a way to connect to people. We have all loved a pet or still have pets and can relate. Please read my previous post regarding the animal health industry. We need to spread awareness. https://smithvirologist.substack.com/p/the-vaccine-paradigm-extends-to-the?r=22ld7j
In addition.... I am a senior in my 70's. I have had good parents in my life and I am looking forward to see them when I pass from this existence, however when I do pass, I really want to see my dogs and cat, FIRST!!!
Dolores Cannon accidentally became a past life regressionist and wrote about a half dozen books. I've read all of them. According to her, in the afterlife we DO see our pets who have passed ahead of us.
I have read some of her work also! I actually am looking forward to seeing them!
I hear ya!
what a way to kill us by going after our pats.
The drugs for osteoarthritis for people is just as bad. Shameful!
Coming after anything that breathes. Us and our pets are the CO2 they want reduced!
If you sn arthritic pet, treat first with DMSO. See A Midwestern Doctor's The Forgotten Side of Medicine on Substack. Particularly his many articles on DMSO. And it works on far more than stiff joints...
Have read articles, some of them recently penned, on AMD's Substack.
Would be interesting to see AMD's take on this article, this so called 'treatment' regimen.
Would you please give me the link to his/her Substack? It seems like I can't locate it. Thank you!
How would you test for allergy??? It’s got a high allergy potential in humans. I’d suspect same is true with dogs. In humans you do a patch test. Any idea on how to do that with animal or if allergic potential is similar?
Only a very small percentage of people or animals are sensitive to DMSO. Apply a small amount to skin and see if there is a reaction. You should read AMD's posts for more details.
Would you please give me the link to his/her Substack? It seems like I can't locate it. Thank you!
I've also written about my dog's DMSO experiences:
Grateful for your kind answer Sir !! Thank you for your personal experience too !! Big help!
All pet vaxxes are suspect. Rabies shot is another one. I put veterinarian pharma right along with human pharma - not to be trusted.
I have written several posts now about the rabies vaccine, including one where I address how I believe it caused the loss of my sweet Allie. Not every human needs every vaccine and neither do dogs need all these annual injections. https://smithvirologist.substack.com/p/pandemic-vaccine-hesitancy-now-extends?r=22ld7j
I had our five year old Rottweiler get the 3-year rabies booster this past June as it is required by law in MI. He’s very friendly (too friendly) but being a bully breed, I felt that I probably should, against my better judgement. He hasn’t had any other vaccines in 4 years aside from rabies. He seemed to develop a tic of repeatedly licking the air for three weeks afterward. He then developed two hot spots after that, when he’s never had them before. Coincidence? Perhaps. But we’ve decided no more vaccines for him. We’ll just run the risk (he has never, ever bitten anyone or is aggressive in any way). We started making him his dog food a year ago too-crazy how much better he looks and seems to feel.
Canine rabies has been eradicated so there should be no concern for him biting someone other than the obvious issue of aggression. The issue really is protecting him from coming into contact with a wild animal, such as a racoon, skunk, coyote or bat, that could be harboring the virus but if he has had rabies vaccine any time in his life he should be protected as immunity should last at least 7 years and could last up to 10 years. It's really sad that it's not about immunity but more about money.
Exactly 💯. Go holistic. I use colloidal silver as preventive for me and dogs.
Hi Lynda, we have a new puppy, and want to go as holistic as possible. Do you have any links re: colloidal silver that I can then share with my husband? Admittedly I’m a bit more about the holistic path than he, but he’s open to info. Thanks in advance!
I was turned on to sovereign silver colloidal silver. Top seller. The Vitamin Shoppe or Fred Meyer. I put tablespoon on dogs food. I put dropper under my tongue. One of my puppies had bald spots all over and belly rash all healed up. Email for Pic of cs. lyndapdx@hotmail.com
Thank you!!
Some people are talking about using homeopathic nosodes instead of vaccinations for pets . I can say that after I stopped all vaccinations at 1 yr of age , those dogs lived over 10 years , some were almost 14 , which is great for a German Shepherd . I guess you would have to contact a holistic vet and/or do your own research if interested . Many vaxes are not as effective as they would have you believe and are associated with autoimmune diseases .
Yes, once they are vaccinated it is usually good for life. They certainly don’t need yearly shots! Do titers instead…
Thank you for your insight & info! ❤️🐾
All trustees of modern chemistry. PU.
The rabies vaccine is what set our dog up for mini-strokes. The vaccine is not legally required in Idaho and our dog was 15 years old. If she tried as hard as she could she'd be very lucky to break skin. But when we wanted to skip the vaccine, we got the full terror and guilt routine from the vet, who told us they wouldn't treat her for anything without the vaccine. Who needs these clowns for anything other than trauma (and then only because they've been given a monopoly)?
This is the first I've heard of this. Our beloved 14 1/2 year dog started Librela in maybe November or December of 2023. It was reasonably inexpensive, and the vet recommended it to ease arthritic discomfort. She began having seizures in late January of this year, and we had to have her put to sleep within a few days. She lived a very happy, long life, and I figured it was simply her time. I'm sickened to think we may have sped that process up.
Same here. I feel so bad now… :(
See my post.. hope it helps. We all must accept that our pets will be gone before us, god willing. Librella is not inexpensive ( for most, $95.00 plus per shot per month is costly) and it does cause seizures which is well documented. Without a doubt you thought you were doing your best for your pup, so do not be so hard on yourself. Going forward Question everything.
We were willing to do whatever we needed to do to keep her comfortable in her advanced years, and both my vet and brother (vet in a nearby state) recommended it without hesitation. I should have asked more questions about side effects. You're right, question everything.
It's not your fault that information about DMSO has been suppressed for six decades. Blame the FDA and the medical schools. Anything that threatens the profitability of medicine will always be attacked and buried.
Holy Sht! I've had my 100 lb hound on this for 5 months. I thought it was a wonder drug. No adverse reactions that i can tell. But I am done with this. Lordy. I feel terrible.
Librela showed no significant difference as compared to placebo at the 28-day primary effectiveness study endpoint in the US field study. stay tuned for my upcoming post that shows all this using FDA and the company data.
100% Its just the same. Mabey we can wake people up with their pets - they don't seem to care about their children. How many vaccines do we need to lead a healthy life - NONE!
WOW. I hate to say this but you may be right and that is a shame..
I chose to write about animal health as a way to connect to people. Most people can relate to having loved a pet or still have pets that they cherish. We must be gatekeepers for these precious animals. Please read my previous post regarding the animal health industry and stay tuned for more on the topic of Librela. https://smithvirologist.substack.com/p/the-vaccine-paradigm-extends-to-the?r=22ld7j
OMG- It is with a very sad heart, but am so glad to see this truth is gaining traction. Our dear woody had his first injection in Jan 12, 2024. Within 24 hours he had to be put to sleep. His reaction was horrible- became completely disoriented, lost all use of his back half, listless, stopped eating and drinking. I knew then this injection was poison!!!
I am so sorry for your loss. It is utterly heartbreaking. Please feel free to share so we can spread awareness. Also, stay tuned for my upcoming post sharing the data from FDA and the company on how they knew this was ineffective.
I have had dogs and cats all my life. When I quit taking them to the Veterinarian (annually), my dogs and cats started to live much longer and healthier lives. 16, 17, 18, years. Our cat who had never been the vet recently passed. He was 21 years old. Annual "boosters'' are a scam. The Vet is a scam. So is the M.D.
Not just Librela, all of the flea and tick pesticides are killing and harming so many dogs! Bravecto, Credilio, Nexguard, Interceptor, Advantage, and Simpirica. More than 20,000 deaths have been reported as of January 2024.
Absolutely true !!
Ahhh, Librella ! Our pup (12 years old) had two vestibular episodes in the fall of 2023 i& in late spring of 2024. At the time they were spraying for West Nile in and around our communities… and felt there was a connection, ;loss of strength in her back legs and terrible shaking and tremors. DVM suggested Librella, told them I would think about it. Went home and did some research and it was a hard NO! It had just recently been approved in the US, and there were already news coming out about peoples dogs dying. Believe there was one covering this in the WSJ.
In any case as the DVM recommended that acupuncture & red light therapy “might help” but not as good as Librella mind you ! I purchased a hand held cold red light lazer from HelioPet and upped her turmeric in each meal. With great results! PS I use the hand held on my own knee!
Not plugging any product here but there are great options out there. Our pup lets us know when she needs a “spa treatment” with the cold red light… as it is getting colder she is starting to ask for a session.
In a closing note a friend of mine who took on the most adorable Corgi when the owner passed was pressed into giving the pup monthly injections of Librella, during the same time as our pup. The DMV said Corgies, due to their short leg;s suffer for this disorder… poor thing was dead in 4 months and suffered greatly during that time. Have had low riders my whole lie and they lived to be 15, 16 & 19/.
Thanks for your exposure… the Librella story got buried pretty quickly.
Just sickening. So sorry for your friend's Corgi, too.
I understand and support the reporting of the adverse events these drugs are producing in our beloved animals. But make no mistake, Zoetis nor the FDA care anything about helping animals to better health. Their bottom line is their pocketbook and how much they can stuff in it. Treating your pets holistically is the best way to help them to optimal health.
see here how much pharmaceutical companies pay the FDA to get their drug approved. We must repeal PDUFA and ADUFA. https://www.fda.gov/industry/fda-user-fee-programs/animal-drug-user-fee-act-adufa
Our cat has been reacting strangely to solencia - for a couple of days after the injection, he meows quite a bit. When you look for him to see what's wrong, he's just staring into space.
I'm sorry to hear that. Solensia is the cat version of this mAb so everything applies. Unfortunately, from reports I'm reading this is also common after the injection. I really hope your cat recovers. Please look into alternative treatments and no more Solensia injections.
Yes thank you - I cancelled his next appointment and have reverted to metacam. I mentioned the class action to the vet receptionist, and she said that they were aware of it. Didn't stop them using our pet as a guinea pig though, which is the impression I was getting from the start of his treatment a few months ago, when I found that they insisted that each injection had to include a vet exam. I wondered why and looked up solencia, only to discover that it was brand spanking new and appeared to be undergoing clinical trial by Release to the general public.
I am going to send you a letter I have prepared. You can print it out and give to veterinary professionals.
I've stopped the solencia, but our cat is now covered in skin lessons - some raised/crusty, some bald/bleeding. I sent your letter to our vet practice and they said they were sending it to their vet director as well and offered me a review of Ninja's rashes. I took him in yesterday and vet confirmed that the rashes presented as a drug reaction, but that cause was inconclusive and could be multifactorial. She denied knowledge of seeing much in the way of side effects in practice, even though she'd just come over from the UK where I gather solencia has been on the market for longer.
So glad to hear you stopped getting your cat this treatment. I'm sorry to hear that your cat is suffering. It is so hard to see our sweet animals suffer. I hope that they can find a better, safer treatment. I would love to hear of any follow up from the vet practice and vet director on the information in the letter. Please keep me updated.
Try Yucca extract-it works really well for cats & dogs w/arthritis!! & no side effects😸
Where do I get that please? Thank you .
Read the side effects, black box warnings!! Beware pharmaceuticals whether for human or animals especially if the FDA labels them "safe and effective"....then RUN!!
There is no black box warning for either of these drugs. https://www.zoetisus.com/content/_assets/docs/vmips/package-inserts/librela-prescribing-information.pdf
My 25 lb Siberian got really bad ataxia after 2 doses of Solensia-so I stopped having him injected, & started to use Yucca extract. I began to put a liquid pet version of Milk Thistle, a great liver cleanser, into his food, after the ataxia began.
But it took him about a month to get back to normal, after the Solensia. Very toxic stuff
The drug companies literally get away w/murder!!!
As a cat lover, this is heartbreaking.
Get away as fast as you can please! Try to detox her liver for starters ,join this group https://www.facebook.com/groups/235489239569004 You will learn a lot and be guided to save whatever can be saved ... Deeply sorry for your kitty .I hope to the best outcome !!
Use Milk Thistle, a great liver cleanser
Thank you for posting this, we really appreciate it. Every article helps us with spreading the awareness of these drugs. Feel free to cover Frunevetmab (Solensia) as well. You’ll find lots of stories on our Fb group “Solensia Killed my Cat… Solensia - Class Action”, as well as other info (ans UK class action) on www.lfpcsa.co.uk
Thank you so much for your support 🤍🐾
Jessie, LFPCSA
Thanks for your comment. I will look into a writeup of Solensia but most of what is here is going to be the same. So much to write about these days. I am planning a follow up on the data from FDA and the company on Librela. I will see if I can find similar for the cat trials.
I am looking at the lfpcsa website. It notes: "As Zoetis' CEO admitted during one of the interviews, Solensia had been tested for 3 months only, ergo the consequences of its long-term usage are officially unknown." do you have a link to this interview?
My dog died within a few months from an anti-tick medicine that was new to the market in 2014.
Name it please ! Deeply sorry for your loss....
LOL I guess Pets are useless eaters also.. Here is a simple system to follow.. When the FDA approves something, its bad for you.. When they ban something, its good for you..
FDA= Federal Death Agency
Well said, though to cover their ass they do remove some harmful products from the market.
Ernie, you are exactly right.. They remove some items to make like they are actually doing their job, so it gives them cover to not do their job.. Yeah I caught that to.. A lot of times its minute stuff that really does not matter widespread, but like you say they do it to give them cover... They also ban stuff that may counteract the poison also.. As a side note, they are attacking chickens because EGGS counteract their poison.. So a lot of things they ban and say they are bad are actually things that they know are good against their poisons.. So you really have to dig and never ever take their word for anything..